
Kamla Ravikumar

(2 customer reviews)


Prithvi Mudra
8 x 5 x 5 Inches
Ref No: 728-49


2 reviews for Kamla Ravikumar

  1. Vijaya murty

    When I saw this sculpture I did a double take as the sculptor has done a magnificent job in depicting the Prithvi
    Mudra. The sculpting is so life like you are in awe to see the diligent details the sculptor focused on to produce this beautiful piece of art!!!

  2. Madhavi Lata

    I like this work Dhyani Mudra by Kamla Ravikumar. It blends the yoga traditions of India in an artistic expression. The work exudes all the calmness and peace of meditation. The grace and beauty of the mudra , juxtaposes with Strength of the metal .

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