
Prashant Phusate

(57 customer reviews)


Metro City Night Traffic
Mixed media on Canvas
61 x 39 Inches
Ref No: 730-204


57 reviews for Prashant Phusate

  1. rinkle


  2. Prof. Pankaj Kumar

    Prashant is just amazing when it comes to passionate reality to his paintings. He is contemporary.

  3. Adhyatman


  4. Nirbhay

    The texture of the painting is really good. Great work by the artist 👍🏻

  5. Tanushree Fulzele

    Aesthetic view of paintings


    You have put a lot of work into this piece and it has paid off! ..

  7. Sandhaj Ramteke

    This looks just as same as timelapse clicked on a camera

  8. Anagha

    Your perspective on art is refreshing. What a breathtaking piece of painting!

  9. Sumit

    I love the movement in this painting. Fantastic work!

  10. Monica

    Mesmerizing artwork by Prashant. Simply great.

  11. Annapurani Venkatesan

    Passionate painer

  12. Prashant Kumar

    Speechless. What a Beauty!

  13. Imteyaz Perwez

    Just Say…Incredible….Great going Prashant…

  14. Dr kumar

    Prashant …it’s Adbhut….You have the knack of creating such things. All the best .

  15. Amol


  16. Navin

    Too good

  17. Megha k

    Bro your painting are always unique master piece…it’s like painting is your 1st and last love 100%…

  18. Sunita ladhe mhaiskar

    Didn’t understand what it depicts but seems good

  19. Megha k

    Bro your painting are always unique master piece…it’s like painting is your 1st and last love 100%…

  20. Dr Monali Rewatkar

    Great, awesome pic , creative mind in each pic reflect

  21. Dr Monali Rewatkar

    Great work & Amazing, unique pic, well done

  22. Mr Anil Godhawale

    Prahsant portrayed in a deep thought-provoking facade that speaks to the uniformity in his subject matter. Impressive

  23. Santosh KC

    Brilliancy creativity at its best

  24. Nikhil Ramteke


  25. Prashant Saurabh

    Natural art work. Refreshing one.

  26. M


  27. Kavita raipure

    Superb Work

  28. Sunil T

    Wow, 10000 feet arial view… Excellent depiction

  29. Vishakha


  30. Parimal Fuke

    Phenomenal work

  31. Dr. Shishir Sonkusale

    Really wonderful !!!!!

  32. Dr Amol Samarth

    Mesmerizing !!

  33. Tara

    Amazing piece of work !
    Great going..

  34. Dr. Ashish Tawani

    Choice of colours to depict metro traffic is simply spellbounded. Expression of our daily events in such a creative manner tells us about the extraordinary skill of Mr Prashant Phusate.

  35. Alankar


  36. Sarika Machwe


  37. Sangeeta

    Superb paintings!!!!

  38. Hina Iqbal

    Mind Blowing
    Very creative

  39. Kajal

    Amazing painting

  40. Kajal

    Awesome work

  41. Kuldeepak Nahar

    Intense work of art

  42. Praveen Gedam

    Crowded bumper to bumper traffic in congested Indian cities captured so well. Kudos to the painter.

  43. Anant

    Great piece of art… well done👍

  44. Mukul Bhaskarwar

    Never imagined the trafic in metro can also be master piece. Superbly depicted.

  45. Bankim

    There is a rhythm in the chaos.Very artistically weaved by deft hands that hold the brush and mind that creates music on canvas

  46. Bhavana

    Absolutely beautiful

  47. Milind

    Wow! You are such a great artist.

  48. Padma

    Wonderfull creativity ,a joy to view.

  49. Sharadchandra Tayshetye


  50. Sarika Chaudhari

    Wonderful work. Prashant’s passion is felt in his paintings.

  51. Shankar G

    This art is fantastic

  52. Pranav


  53. Dr Madhavi

    गज़ब – A very unique of expressing 👌🏻

  54. Ashok Katulwar

    I actually observed this traffic on Pune Mumbai Express way and feel that prashant has painted it. Simply superb. Great

  55. Lalitha Kannan

    Beautiful and lively depiction…

  56. Swapnil

    Spectacular display of colours… master work..

  57. S ramesh babu

    Excellent, great imagination and beautiful art work Expecting lot more master pieces.

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